
DragonHyde - Leather Spellbooks

Created by Hrothgar's Hoard

Leather spellbooks, journals, book covers and more for any RPG

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Surveys are out
over 6 years ago – Tue, Jan 02, 2018 at 07:32:45 PM

The Backerkit surveys are now out. Please log into the Backerkit module (the email you received should give details) and fill out your customizations.

NOTE: This survey will be open for a while, so while there is no rush, the sooner you get them in, the sooner I can get to work.

I'm going to add a "preorder" link to the top of the Kickstarter Project page. If you have friends who may still be interested, tell them to check out the main page and follow the link for preorders.

Thanks again,


Soon....very soon....
over 6 years ago – Tue, Jan 02, 2018 at 09:32:57 AM

I was hoping to have Backerkit up by now, but because of the holidays, it is taking a little extra time. I've submitted everything for the final check by Backerkit and they say they'll get back to me in 2 business days. So hopefully in the next couple days I'll have approval and will be able to release the surveys.

No other news to report right now. It shouldn't take long from here.


What comes next
over 6 years ago – Tue, Dec 19, 2017 at 07:59:04 PM

Well, the project is at an end and now comes the real work. I'm writing to let everyone know what to expect.

I believe that by now, everyone should be getting notification on payment for the project. If your notification comes back saying that you need to correct information on your payment, please do so as soon as possible. 

Over the next two weeks, I'm going to build the BackerKit module for the final survey. This program will allow you to select specifics for your rewards as well as add on things if you so choose. Backerkit is really a very intuitive program, but if you have questions, feel free to ask. Expect this to be active soon after the first of the year.

Once Backerkit is live, I'll be able to start getting information on who wants what and can get to work. I usually leave this open for several months just in case there are late-comers who want to join in, but most backers will have their information in by a couple weeks.

By mid-January, I plan on starting work on the project. Since this project matches specific items with specific artwork, I will probably work in small batches (5 orders or so at a time), complete them and ship when they are complete. With luck I'll begin shipping in February.

With about 70 backers in all, I don't see a problem with getting everything completed before the expected ship dates. Anyone who is travelling to GaryCon in early March should be able to pick their journals up at the convention if they want.

At this time, all of the above are projections. There is always the chance that something interferes with the timeline. If that is the case, I will let you know as soon as possible.

I'll get to work on Backerkit today. If you have friends who want to jump in late, tell them to keep an eye on the Kickstarter page. I'll post an update as soon as Backerkit is ready.

Thank you to everyone!


aka Hrothgar

$5K achieved, less than 48 hours to go
over 6 years ago – Sun, Dec 17, 2017 at 06:44:16 AM

We hit 5K today which means that the dice pouch add-on is live. I'd still love to hit $10 by close, and I've had a project or two that doubled in the last couple days, but we need to get more people involved if we are going to make it.

Post on Facebook, Tweet it, Instagram, or whatever else is being used nowadays. Help spread the word and get it out to as many people as possible. 

I have some more ads going out on the final day, but word of mouth is always much better. Lets aim high and shoot for $10K

Dice Bag option
over 6 years ago – Sat, Dec 16, 2017 at 07:58:24 AM

As we approach the $5K mark, I thought I'd post a picture of the dice bag you can add on at the $5K level. If we are able to get this above $10K by the end of Monday then everyone pledging at least $100 will get one for free. I may even lower that number if we are getting close. I'd love nothing more than to give these out for free, so help spread the word and get your friends in the project.

This isn't a great picture (taken on top of my laser), but it shows the grade of leather along with the "Idol" engraving from Diesel. I want to keep the price as low as possible and maybe give an incentive in here as well. So, once we hit the $5K barrier, this will be available as an add-on for $15. At $7.5K, that price comes down to $10, and at $10K it is free for a $100 pledge.

Dice Bag
Dice Bag

 The bag is leather, hand stitched with hemp, with a parachute cord draw string. It will hold about 50 dice and is about 4"x5" in size.

I know you can't see it really well, but I'd appreciate some feedback on the stitching. The fact that I'm using hemp makes the stitches very prominent. I'd be willing to use a thread and sewing machine so that the stitching isn't obvious if the consensus wants that; I honestly don't know how I feel about the hemp.

Of course, then I'd have to learn how to use a sewing machine.

Take a look and give me some comments.