
DragonHyde - Leather Spellbooks

Created by Hrothgar's Hoard

Leather spellbooks, journals, book covers and more for any RPG

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Chugging along...and misfits
about 6 years ago – Fri, Feb 23, 2018 at 12:06:04 PM

Production is going along. I'm not going to get anything out this week though, probably not next week too. Nothing really wrong, just hit some complicated orders and am taking my time doing them. I also just ordered another batch of leather, so I'll have some new pieces to work with.

I have made a few misfits. For those who are new to my projects, every now and then I screw something up and then offer them up as "misfits". Generally it is cosmetic damage or something that I just don't think is up to standards for whatever reason. I discount the price and usually put them in a grab-bag box.  Since this is my first project featuring leather, I'm being a little more particular with what I release; I want to get things right the first time.

I'm going to wait a bit before I offer out these misfits. I'll probably group them and you get a random "misfit spellbook" or "misfit book cover". More on that later.

That is all that is happening right now. I'll be leaving for GaryCon on March 7 and will probably be out of touch until March 12. After that I have a good couple months before my next show and will strive to have this completed by Origins.


Starting to close surveys
about 6 years ago – Fri, Feb 02, 2018 at 08:54:35 AM

Just and FYI...I'm starting to close surveys so I can get on top of production. I guess there has been a couple auto-messages sent out to people telling them to complete their survey, even if they had already done so. If you get one of these messages and you've completed your survey, log in to double check that you've filled out all the areas and that Backerkit has accepted your survey.

I'm going to ship on a weekly basis starting next week. I'm just going order by order, completing it and then putting it on the shipping table. Early on, I'll probably only be getting a few things out at a time, but hope to have the bulk of the work done in the next 6-8 weeks.

I'm going to be exhibiting at Playthrough Con in Raleigh NC on Feb. 17-18. I probably won't have anything ready to give that weekend, but if you were planning on going there let me know and I'll see what I can do.

I'll also be at GaryCon in Lake Geneva WI on March 8-11. I've had one person confirm with me to pick up their books then, if anyone else is planning on being there let me know and I'll try to bring your order with me for pickup.

Thanks to all


1/19/18 update
over 6 years ago – Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 08:26:36 AM

Hey all, I just wanted to let everyone know what is going on.

We have about 70% of the surveys in which is good. If you haven't finished your survey yet, there isn't a rush, but as always, the sooner it is done, the sooner I can work on your rewards.

On 2/1/18 I'm going to start closing out surveys that have been completed. This will lock you in and charge your card if you've added on any extras. 

The campaign and adventurer's journals are made, but engravings have not been put on them yet. I will be waiting until Feb. before I start doing that.

If anyone is going to be at GaryCon, drop me a line. I'm going to try to have things ready to ship by the end of Feb. and if I have yours done, I'll take it with me to GaryCon and you can pick up at my booth.

I'm going to be gone this weekend, and will be unable to respond to any emails. I will return on Monday and will get back with anyone then who has questions.

That is about it. Thanks a lot and I'll make another post in a couple weeks with more info.

5E Triad images; questions answered
over 6 years ago – Thu, Jan 04, 2018 at 07:45:05 AM

There seems to be some interest from backers of getting the images from the page titled "5E Triad" on the book covers. Because of this I have added an option to the backers who pledged for book covers. So, if you pledged for either the group of 3 book covers or just a single book cover, you can choose this option. Then, when the last question comes up asking if there are any special instructions, write in which image you want with which title. Since I already have files built for this, there isn't much extra work on my end.

NOTE: This option is only available for those who pledged for the book covers. If anyone would like add-on items or journals engraved with those images, you will need to select an add-on and then choose "custom" for your images and then leave a note for me for special instructions.

I'm not doing to this to be a jerk, really. I want to promote the work of the artists (Diesel and Charles) who I partnered with for this project. I didn't offer the public domain artwork I've done in the past because I want the focus on this project to be on Diesel and Charles's work so they get a good bang for their buck as well, so to speak. 

I hope that makes sense. Send me a PM if you have any questions or other issues.

Update to Surveys
over 6 years ago – Wed, Jan 03, 2018 at 09:27:57 PM

I have added one question to the surveys which will allow you to provide me with extra information you may want to include before you lock everything down. This will allow you, for instance, to tell me that you would like "Player's Handbook" on the cover with the "dragon" design.

Please be sure to contact me prior to putting directions into this field. I don't have a problem doing something minor like this free of charge, but if it is something that is going to require a special setup, then you may need to choose the "alteration" option along with a fee to have a change made.

If you have already submitted your survey, you should be able to go back into it and make the change. If you are unable to do this, send me a PM and I'll make the change from my end.

I will not be finalizing and charging credit cards until the end of the month at the earliest, so everyone should have plenty of time to add on or make changes until then.
