
DragonHyde - Leather Spellbooks

Created by Hrothgar's Hoard

Leather spellbooks, journals, book covers and more for any RPG

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Computer woes
about 6 years ago – Sat, Apr 28, 2018 at 10:47:38 AM

Well, my work computer completely crashed this week. I've tried to bring it back to life to no avail. Unfortunately, this is also the computer that runs the laser, stores a lot of the images, etc., so I am temporarily out of commission. I was hoping to get things posted up for misfits, but I've been spending so much time on the computer issue that I haven't been able to do that. I'll work on that asap.

I have a technician coming down today to see what can be salvaged. I hope it is enough to get back on track. I could have sworn I backed up my laser configuration files (I have the artwork and projects on a separate drive, so no problems there), but until the laser is back up, I'm in a holding pattern.

Hope to have news in a few hours.


Weekly update 4/20
about 6 years ago – Fri, Apr 20, 2018 at 11:15:00 AM

Happy 4/20 everyone! :-)

So, I'm down to two in my "to-do" pile. The two backers who I have not shipped yet are the ones that ordered pens. I'll be getting the kits in next week and should have them finished soon afterwards.


There are still 10 people who have not finished their surveys. I sent out a reminder a couple days ago. If you have not received your reward (and did not order a pen), PLEASE CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER to make sure you aren't missing your survey link. If you don't fill out the survey, then I don't have your address and I don't know specifically what you want. Now is the time to get things finished up.

I'm getting to the point where I have to start focusing on production for  Origins, GenCon and fall conventions, so I have to build inventory for that. I want to make sure everyone gets their reward so that it doesn't fall in the cracks while I'm focusing on other things. If you have questions about the survey, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Misfit News

There aren't going to be a lot of misfits. A couple spell books, a few dragonhyde covers and one adventurer's journal looks to be the extent of things. At least for now. I need to finish them up and then I can take pictures and post them. Expect a few of these available next Friday. I think what I'll do is make a post on here with a link to either a paypal or etsy store with the prices. After that it'll be whoever gets to the link first.

I'm also going to be working on some things in that purple leather that I mentioned. I also got some interesting leather in my last order that I may try to get listed. These things will be at a "full" price (unless I make a mistake, that is.)

I hope to have this project completely closed out by July 1. If you have friends who might be interested (or if you want more yourself), you can go to the main page and click on the "pre-order" button at the top of the page. After July, I think I'll be closing the page down so I can focus on my next project. Hint: wingardium leviosa

Weekly update 4/13/18
about 6 years ago – Fri, Apr 13, 2018 at 09:00:52 AM

I'm about to take another batch to the post office today. I'm down to 8 outstanding orders from surveys that have been completed. There are 11 surveys which have not been completed. I have sent a reminder notice out to those people today. Even if you have only pledged $1 for support, please take the time to complete the survey. This is the only way I have to know for certain of what you want.

I purchased another 15 lbs. of leather to finish this project which should arrive today. With that purchased, I should be able to finish up the rest relatively soon.

I've gotten a couple messages about 'misfits' I usually offer at the end of a project. To be honest, there aren't a lot this time around. A few book covers that I wasn't happy with, maybe a spell book or two made from leather that got damaged or discolored, but I'm not foreseeing much more. When I'm completely done, I'll post everything at once and it will be sold on a first-come-first-served basis.

I may also have a surprise with some purple leather that I got a hold of. It is purple suede and I made my daughter something out of it and she went into a purple coma. I have a lot to do before I can start work on these, so this will be an after-project, project. I might be able to get to some things in June or July.

That is all for this week. I'll check back in next week.


Shipping update
about 6 years ago – Thu, Apr 05, 2018 at 10:30:07 AM

I got 11 shipments to the post office today. That brings the total to 49 packages shipped, I have 15 orders in the works (hopefully will be out next week) and 11 people have not yet completed their surveys.

If you've lost your survey link, let me know and I'll resend it. If you are just taking your time, that is OK too.

Thanks again to everyone. I'm hoping to close this out soon so I can get to work on products for Origins and GenCon.


Just a short update
about 6 years ago – Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 10:51:23 AM

As is normal, everything seems to go more slowly than it should. I got a decent number of orders filled this week and may get a couple more out, but for some reason there never is enough time to focus on the project.

Out of 74 backers, 26 have been shipped. 35 people are on my to-do list and 13 have not completed the BackerKit survey yet. To those 13, again, no rush, but the sooner you complete, the sooner I can get to work. I have plenty of work to do right now, but I'm hoping to have the 35 orders in my to-do pile done in the next 2-3 weeks.

I hope.

Don't hold me to that.

Happy Spring everyone! I'll be back in touch in a week or two with another update.